Senin, 18 Juni 2012

Bamboo Leaf Tea giveaway!

Giveaways are so much fun! That's why I decided to jump right back into giving another product away. This time I'm creating the opportunity for one lucky winner to get their hands on bamboo leaf tea. Everyone who's given me feedback on the tea raves on how great it tastes which makes it easy to sip throughout the day. I recently upgraded my loose leaf tea pot to one that holds 1.5 liters of water which means more bamboo tea for me!

 Enough about me, let's get on with this giveaway. To enter simply follow the blog and send me a quick email to with the words "Bamboo Tea" somewhere in the title.

The lucky winner will have the option of 1/2 oz loose leaf tea or 12 bamboo tea bags. I'll select this person randomly on Sunday July 8, 2012. For those of you who are new to the bamboo tea game, this product contains high levels of silica which is essential to healthy hair, skin and nails.  It's a perfect way to promote health without feeling like you're working hard at it. 

  p.s. I chatted with the supplier of the bamboo tea over the weekend and I learned that she's been doing a ton of research on the properties of bamboo tea and how to maximize absorption of the nutrients. What I learned from her is that the process of boiling the leaves increases the likelihood of the nutrients being released from the leaves. She also shared that silica in supplement form has a pretty low absorption rate. I asked if she could forward me some of her resources so I can share as a blog post. Once I get it, I'll be sure to update. For those of you who want to just go for it and get your bamboo tea right now, you can visit our bamboo tea page and get you some!

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