Minggu, 21 Oktober 2012

Currently Craving....

I took a personality assessment earlier this year and one of the comments made about me that I tended to act on impulse. In other words, when I want something, I have a hard time waiting until later to experience it.   I must say that I'm totally aligned with that assessment of me.  I hope to one day get stronger in my ability to delay gratification but, until that happens, I'd like to pass the next several moments with you sharing what's on my current crave list.

 Babyliss Steam Flat Iron

For a while now, the desire for a steam flat iron has been on my mind.  At first I wanted a Maxi glide Steam flat iron but I wasn't sure about the little teeth on the plates.  I believe our actions are cumulative.  The teeth may only cause a few strands to break at first, but over time, those few strands add up.

Then, during my online search, I stumbled upon an alternative steam iron by Babyliss.  The reviews on Amazon were phenomenal.  After the 20th person exclaimed that this was the best flat iron they've ever owned, the instant gratification monster within me took over and I quickly purchased it.  Currently the iron is in transit and once I've had a chance to try, I'll do a full review.
Micro Mist Hair Steamer 

Next on my "things I crave list" is the Micro Mist Steamer.  You might remember me discussing this steamer-extrodinaire in a previous post.  This steamer from heaven is destined to be mine one day.  The only thing standing in the way of me and my future steamer is the outrageous price tag.  At over $2,000, this steamer is truly an investment. I connected with a young lady online who currently owns one. I asked her for her feedback on the steamer and she exclaimed that she loved it!  I can not wait until the day my Micro Mist dreams transition from being a fantasy into a reality. I first wrote about the steamer nearly a year ago. If I planned properly and set up some automatic savings draft, I could have had this steamer by now.  So now I know what I have to do.

Hair Jewelry

Ever since I picked up those cute hair cuffs, I've been on the lookout for fabulous hair accessories.  I'm loving the hair chain trend that we've been seeing a ton of this year.  Since I'm horrible at protective styling, I'd like to experiment with integrating fierce hair jewelry to help make protective styling more desirable. I've already put in a couple of bids on some very inexpensive pieces on Ebay.

Inphenom Treatment, Cuticle CMC, & Cortex CMC

I stumbled upon the Inphenom brand a while back when I was researching products with MEA-18.  Inphenom was developed to help restore the health back to chemically treated and colored hair.  What attracts me to Inphenom is that it contains both ceramides and MEA-18.  There aren't many reviews of these products online but I've been intrigued ever since our first encounter and they've been on my Amazon Wish List ever since.   This brand is a premium Japanese product so the price is a little up there. Maybe I'll treat myself to the brand, one product at a time, in 2013 (see, I can wait).

I'm actually proud of myself for having such a short list of hair related items I'm craving at the moment.  I feel like I'm maturing just a little in my hair journey my insatiable desires are starting to slow down. Of course you all know that I can be a bit fickle so this list can grow and change at the drop of dime.

Can't wait for the flat iron to arrive.....

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