Senin, 18 Maret 2013

I've neglected my hair journey, now it's time for redemption

I'm in somewhat of a predicament.  It's not really a predicament but more of a unique situation.  You see, for the past several months I've placed heavy emphasis on my skin care journey and my fitness habits.  I'm happy to say that as a result, I've been able to enjoy clear skin and I'm on my way to creating the body I imagine.

Sounds good right?  Except for the fact that during this same time period, I've severely neglected my hair.  Instead of weekly washes & deep conditioning, I would allow two weeks to pass.  Then I found styles that hid my hair so I wouldn't have to moisturize and seal on a regular basis.  The outcome of all this was an absurd amount of tangles and hair that feels dry and lackluster overall.  Worse yet, I'm well on my way to having the skin and body that I worked so hard for only to have hair that is below my expectations.  Not happening.

Now it's time to regroup and set things in another direction so I can have perfect hair, skin and body by summer.  As I assess the situation, I realize that I must employ the same tactics that helped me sculpt my body and cleared my skin on this mission to restore my hair.  In both cases, I am doing something everyday to create or maintain my results.  With my skin, I use the sauna several times a week and deep clean my pores with a clay mask bar daily.  I've also managed to increase the frequency of my gym workouts to several times a week.  With my hair care routine, there's nothing I'm doing daily/regularly at this moment with the exception of taking vitamins.

So the first thing I gotta do is to bring back regularity into my regimen.  So these are the rules I'm bringing back into play:

Nothing fancy. Just more of the good stuff that worked in the past.  Even though my hair is in a dire state right now, there is still some good in the situation. For one, my new growth is doing really well.  At four months post, I'm pleased to say that I don't have the desire to touch up.  The texture of the new growth is very manageable and with the help of my new infrared flat iron, I may actually reach my elusive goal of stretching six months (crossing fingers).  

It's all about getting back to the basics with regards to my regimen and continuing what works.  My hope is that I caught this early enough to avoid a setback.  I'm inspired by the results I've experienced through taking daily actions on my other goals. I'm more than certain the positive daily actions will restore the health of my hair as well.

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