Selasa, 30 Juli 2013

"Go to bed greasy, wake up gorgeous." The Celebrity Secret to glowing, healthy skin

What would you say if I told you that Nia Long, Beyonce, Tyra Banks, Alek Wek, Kelly Rowland and others have at least one beauty secret in common?  This shared secret keeps the beauties looking youthful & glowing. And best of all, it's not a $100 skin cream or some bizarre facial proceedure.

Turns out that all of these gorgeous beauties have a night time regimen that includes applying a thick balm or oil to their skin so they wake up each day glowing.

Nia Long mentioned in an interview that "the key to great skin is to keep it super-duper moisturized."  So, every night, she rubs on some Aura Glow, and almond scented oil, to her skin after taking a shower (while her body is still wet).  According to Nia, she "goes to bed greasy" and wakes up glowing.

Miss Beyonce, pretty much has access to amazing beauty products from all over the world.  But what does she prefer to keep her face moist and supple?  Aquaphor.  Yes, you heard me. The same Aquaphor that you can pick up at any drugstore.  Beyonce told Elle magazine that she "goes to bed totally greasy."  Using Aquaphor from everything to her elbows, feet and face.

Tyra Banks was so enamored with Vaseline petroleum jelly that she gave everyone in her audience a jar (while in a screaming frenzy) to take home for themselves.  The list of celebrities who use Vaseline on their skin and under their eyes is endless.  Jennifer Lopez, Alek Wek, Kelly Rowland, along with so many others.

I have been testing this theory of "going to bed greasy" out for myself the last few weeks.  My biggest fear going into it, was that my already acne prone skin would literally explode with break outs.  First I tested using Vaseline around my eyes only. Then I added a thin layer on my forehead (which normally is acne free).  The next morning my skin looked great. So I became bolder and put a little on the rest of my face.  Each morning, I looked in the mirror and liked what I saw. So I kept going.  Best of all, I haven't seen any sign of impending breakouts.  Can't even tell you when the last time I had a pimple. Thanks to Nia, I've also been applying almond oil on my skin instead of lotion.  Because of these ladies, my lips are softer, and my skin has a constant glow. 

There are some online sources which claim that petroleum jelly may be a dangerous product which could be absorbed by the skin. So I took the safe route and picked up an all natural version of petroleum jelly at the health food store called Un-Petroleum.  Un-petroleum contains feel good ingredients such as castor oil, coconut oil, beeswax and vitamin e.  I think my lashes will really benefit from using Un-Petroleum as an "eye cream" on a regular basis.

Even in the summer, my skin tends to get dry so this new routine is just perfect for me.  My elbows and knees are happy and my skin looks great!  Because of the thickness of these balms, it's a great idea to stay consistent with exfoliation to avoid build.  Nia long uses her Clarisonic regularly and Beyonce's beauty makeup artist recommended the we exfoliate twice a week. We get rid of old skin by exfoliating, then we protect our new skin with rich balms and sunscreen.  Put that all together and we've got the formula to a gorgeous glow.

**DISCLAIMER** If you choose to use a little Vaseline on your face, please do it in moderation. The key is not to slather on a thick layer, especially on your face.

Who else is using Vaseline or oil at night? How do you use it?


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